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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 351 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 126 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 9 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A
Then will our world know the blessings of peace." A similar statement has also become attributed to Jimi Hendrix, though he could have been quoting or paraphrasing Chinmoy, or conceivably Gladstone: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will ...
Quote by Jimi Hendrix : “When the power of love overcomes the love ... Jimi Hendrix — 'When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.'
The Great Dictator (1940) "Look Up, Hannah" Anti-Fascist Democracy Speech Charlie Chaplin - Wikiquote en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin 1.1 The Great Dictator (1940) .... Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. .... Quoted by many sites and blogs as "speech that Charlie Chaplin gave on his 70th ... The Great Dictator (1940)[edit] This is a story of a period between two World Wars — an interim in which insanity cut loose. Liberty took a nose dive, and humanity was kicked around somewhat. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone, if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness — not by each other's misery. Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow...In which Chaplin plays the roles of "Adenoid Hynkel", the dictator of Tomania, and "A Jewish Barber" the hero of the taleThis is a story of a period between two World Wars — an interim in which insanity cut loose. Liberty took a nose dive, and humanity was kicked around somewhat. Opening placard Hynkel, the dictator, ruled the nation with an iron fist. Under the new emblem of the double cross, liberty was banished, free speech was suppressed and only the voice of Hynkel was heard. Narrator [Hynkel addressing the crowds, referring to his colleagues:
clearly modelled upon Göring and Goebbels] The Barber's speech[edit] I'm sorry,
but I don't want to be an emperor.
That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should
like to help everyone, if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We
all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live
by each other's happiness — not by each other's misery. We don't
want to hate and despise one another.
Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up
The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light.
We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality
Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly.
He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up
http://www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/scripts/duat.html The Nightmarish Underworld The Pyramid Texts"The Pyramid Texts were a collection of Egyptian mortuary prayers, hymns, and spells intended to protect a dead king or queen and ensure life and sustenance in the hereafter. The texts, inscribed on the walls of the inner chambers of the pyramids [from c. 2686-c. 2160 BC]., are found at Saqqarah in several 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyramids, of which that of Unas, last king of the 5th dynasty, is the earliest known. The texts constitute the oldest surviving body of Egyptian religious and funerary writings available to modern scholars." The Pyramid Texts "represent the only large corpus of religious texts set down during the Old Kingdom. With the exception of the hetep-di-nisut prayer, private tombs contained neither religious texts nor representations of gods. Contact with the gods was the prerogative of the king." "In the so-called Pyramid Texts (c. 2400 BC), the dead pharaoh seeks to fly up to heaven and join the sun-god Re on his unceasing journey across the sky, incorporated, thus, in a mode of existence beyond change and decay. A passage in the later Book of the Dead (1200 BC) represents the deceased, who has been ritually identified with Osiris, declaring that he comprehends the whole range of time in himself, thus asserting his superiority to it." "The Pyramid Texts describe the ascent of the departed king to the sky. He joins Orion (Osiris), and Sirius is his guide. They continue together as participants in the cosmic cycle. A similar wish is expressed in other texts. The spirits of the dead hope to join the never-setting, never-dying, circumpolar stars. These two possible transfigurations, in which the dead pharaoh joins Osiris or the Circumpolar stars, may explain the orientation of the so-called air shafts from the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid. They may be ramps by which the dead king makes his way to heaven." At the end of the Pharaoh's journey to the Afterlife, he ascends the Stairway of Heaven in the Eye of Horus.
"...Some scholars have recently [1973] taken the bold step of seeing the Pyramid Texts, given their content and arrangement, as the quintessence of the rituals carried out when the ruler was interred; the actual course of this event, which took place in the chambers of the temple complex in the Pyramid area, was then as it were, reflected in the inscriptions in the corridors and chambers of the actual pyramid, the royal burial-place." "The king-making ritual is known to have been performed in the pyramid of Unas. As in a Masonic Temple, the ceiling of the main chamber represents the sky with stars in place. The commonly accepted view is that the ceremony was celebrated on the last night of the waning moon, beginning at sunset and continuing all night until sunrise, the purpose being a resurrection ritual which identified the dead king with Osiris.
"...The Egyptian hieroglyphic for the morning star has the literal meaning 'divine knowledge. This seems to support our thesis that the candidate for kingship was raised to the status of the new god/king Horus by sharing the secrets of the gods in the land of the dead, where he learned the great secrets before returning to Earth as the morning star broke the horizon just before sunrise."
The Book of the Dead"The Book of the Dead was an."ancient Egyptian collection of mortuary texts made up of spells or magic formulas, placed in tombs and believed to protect and aid the deceased in the hereafter. Probably compiled and re-edited during the 16th century BC, the collection included Coffin Texts dating from c. 2000 BC, Pyramid Texts dating from c. 2400 BC, and other writings. Later compilations included hymns to Re, the sun god. Numerous authors, compilers, and sources contributed to the work. Scribes copied the texts on rolls of papyrus, often colourfully illustrated, and sold them to individuals for burial use. Many copies of the book have been found in Egyptian tombs, but none contains all of the approximately 200 known chapters. The collection, literally titled 'The Chapters of Coming-Forth-by-Day', received its present name from Karl Richard Lepsius, German Egyptologist who published the first collection of the texts in 1842." The Heliopolitan Recension of The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day"or first section of it, was in use during the fourth and fifth dynasties and can be dated back to before 3500 B.C." The concept of a judgement hall originated about 2,000 BC. The Egyptians were engaged in a war against time to obtain eternal life. "Collections of formulas, such as the Egyptian Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead, were compilations of magical prayers that allowed the dead to forestall all the dangers and meet all the eventualities. In particular, they contain negative confessions in which the dead man justifies himself before the court of Osiris (god of the dead). The funeral liturgies of the ancient Egyptians have preserved lamentations that echo the family in mourning. Hymns written on papyrus that are compositions in honour of a divinity and that were recited during sacred ceremonies have also been preserved. Such are the hymns of the pharaoh Akhenaton (Amenophis IV, 14th century BC) to the god Aton and the hymns in honour of the god Amon-Re that boast of divine benefits and sometimes confess misery and sin.." ."...The Book of the Dead (from about 1800 BC),...reads very much like an oratorio. Although there is no evidence that it was actually performed, the ritual is full of theatrical elements. It describes the journey of the soul, brought after death by the jackal-headed god Anubis into the Hall of Truth, where the dead man's heart is weighed against a feather. If the heart, made light by goodness, does not outweigh the feather, then the soul is brought before Osiris and granted immortality."
The Tuat or (Duat or Dwat)"The idea that the dead had to make a journey to the otherworld, to which they belonged, finds expression in many religions. The oldest evidence occurs in the Egyptian Pyramid Texts (c. 2375-c. 2200 BC). The journey is conceived under various images. The dead pharaoh flies up to heaven to join the sun-god Re, in his solar boat, on his unceasing voyage across the sky, or he joins the circumpolar stars, known as the "Imperishable Ones," or he ascends a ladder to join the gods in heaven."
"Later Egyptian funerary texts depict the way to the next world as beset by awful perils: fearsome monsters, lakes of fire, gates that cannot be passed except by the use of magical formulas, and a sinister ferryman whose evil intent must be thwarted by magic." The deceased had to pass through twelve gates in the land of the dead, one for each hour. According to Mesopotamian literature, "below the earth, in the realm of Nergal, dwelt spirits and defeated gods. The ritual texts depicted this region as dark, inhabited by beings clothed with wings. It was a land from which there was no return, except perhaps for assassinated or wronged persons who might come back briefly to haunt their malefactors. It was a dusty place, where the ghosts lived on dusky air and mud. Only a few privileged people could find water or a place to sleep." "The Egyptian conception of the Underworld was that it was a nightmarish place - dark, dismal, unsafe, peopled with monsters, genii and all kinds of carnivorous animal. The Coffin Texts provide spells for escaping from such creatures; and spells for the prevention of suffering from evils such as walking upside down or eating excrement." "Tuat [or the zone of twilight or heaven by night] is the name which the Egyptians gave in primitive times to the region to which the dead departed after they had left this earth, and the word has been translated by 'Other World'....It was 'unseen', and dark and gloomy, and there were pits of fire in it, and it formed the home of hellish monsters, and of the damned." "The part of the Tuat that was close to Egypt was a terrible place, which much resembled the African 'bush'. Parts of it were desert, and parts of it were forest, and parts of it were 'scrub' land, and there were no 'roads' through any part of it. Tracks there were, just as there are in the forests of the Sudan, but it was hopeless for the disembodied soul to attempt to find its way by means of them, unless guided by some friendly being who knew the 'ways' of that awful region. Everywhere there was thick darkness. All the region of the Tuat was inhabited, but the beings who dwelt there were hostile to all new-comers, and they could only be placated by gifts, or made subservient to the souls of the dead on their way to the kingdom of Osiris, by the use of spells, or words of power. They way was bared too, by frightful monsters which lived on the souls of the dead, and at one place or another the deceased was obliged to cross streams which were fed by the river in the Tuat, and even the river itself. In one part of this terrible region was situated a district called 'Sekhet Hetepet, i.e., the 'Field of Offerings', or the Elysian Fields, and within this was a sub-district called 'Sekhet Aaru', i.e., the 'Field of Reeds'; in the later lived the god Osiris and his court. In primitive times his kingdom was very small, but gradually it grew, and at length absorbed the whole of the Tuat. He ruled the inhabitants thereof much as an earthly king ruled men, and from first to last there seem to have bee in his kingdom nobles, chiefs, and serfs, just as there were in Egypt." The Book of What is in the Dwat is portrayed on an immense unrolled painted papyrus in the New Kingdom tomb galleries in the Valley of the Kings, 1600-1300 BC. The book can be understood in several ways. "Physically it is the glorious rebirth of the solar globe, and is therefore the triumph of light over darkness. Spiritually, taking into consideration the mummy lying on the ground, we can see here the sublimation of incarnate being in the image of metabolism, which, through multiple purifications, transforms the densest matter into the subtle marrow (makh) of the spinal chord, here represented by the large serpent. The human being's spiritual quest leads him toward the state of blessedness (again makh), and the eastern gate of the sky opens toward eternal life, the conquest of shadowless light." With the approach of night the strength of the Ra, the sun god of Heliopolis, diminished. The solar barque "entered the realm of night and met the powers of darkness. The chief of these was the serpent Apep who tried to swallow the barque; a nightly struggle ensued, and when the sun reappeared on the eastern horizon the next day prayers of thankfulness were offered that Ra was triumphant and the sun would continue to shine." "In the Eleventh section of the Tuat, the boat of Afu Ra [the sun god] passes the territory of the town of Sais. "The region to the left of the god is one of fire, and in, but quite close to the boat, stands Horus, who is working magic with the snake-headed boomerang which he holds in his hand. Before him is the serpent called 'Seth-heh', i.e., the 'eternal Seth'. Horus is superintending the destruction of the bodies, souls, shadows, and heads of the enemies of Ra, which is being affected in the pits of fire before him. The fire in the pits is supplied from the bodies of the goddesses who are in charge of them. In the first pit, the victims are immersed in the fiery depths head downwards. When Afu Ra arrives at the last of the pits, his journey though the Tuat proper is ended, and it only remains for him to pass through the ante-chamber to the east of it, in order to arrive at the sky of this world....He has followed a course which first went from south to north, the to the east, and finally towards the Mountain of the Sunrise. Afu Ra has now reached the 'uttermost limit of thick darkness' and arrives at the Twelfth Section of the Other World...This section contains the great mass of Celestial Waters called Nu, and the goddess Nut, who is here the personification of the god of the morning. We see Afu Ra in his boat as before, and in front of it is the Beetle of Kehpera, under whose form the new sun is to be born. Before the boat is the great serpent Ankh-neteru, and twelve amkhiu-gods, taking hold of the tow-line, enter this serpent at the tail, and, drawing the god in his boat through the body of the serpent, bring him out at his mouth. During his passage through the serpent Afu Ra is transformed into Khepera, and the amkhiu-gods are also transformed, and emerge with him from the serpent, and minister to him all the day. Afu Ra, in the form of Khepera [the ancient god associated with the creation of the world], is now towed into the sky by twelve goddesses, who lead him to Shu, the god of the atmosphere and sky of this world....As the disk appears in the sky; the newly-born god of day is acclaimed by gods and goddesses, who destroy any and every enemy who appears in the presence of the god, and sing hymns to him." After the Egyptians abandoned the mine in the Timma Valley (some thirty kilometers north of the Gulf of Aqaba) during their decline in the twelfth century BC, the Midianties converted the temple into a shrine of their own for a while...In the makeshift Holy of Holies of the shrine, the excavators found only one object, perhaps the most intriguing object of all Timma - tiny, beautifully molded copper serpent with a gilded head, the ancient fertility symbol of the Middle East. It immediately called to mind the 'serpent of brass' of Moses (Numbers 21:9), which later became such an object of veneration." "Apart from the local god one other deity with local connections figured very prominently in the thoughts of the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom. It was the god of the local necropolis, such as Khentiamentiu at Abdju (Abydos) and Sokar in the Ineb-hedj (Memphis) region, and universally Anubis, usually associated with the jackal, and later Osiris. At a man's death one of the elements of his personality, 'vital force' or 'spirit' (ka), continued to exist in the tomb, while the deceased himself became an akh-siprit after the accomplishment of the prescribed funeral rites. The body was deemed necessary the ka's continued existence, and attempts to provide a substitute abode for it lead to the introduction of tomb statues. The same belief prompted the first experiments with artificial preservation (mummification). The ka's material needs were similar to those of the living, and food and drink offerings were brought to the tomb's chapel which was the only part publicly accessible. In the absence of real offerings, these could be provided symbolically by representations on the stela (false-door) or tomb walls, or by recitation of prescribed formulae. The activities represented in Old Kingdom tombs which are connected with such provisioning are thus meant to be taking place very much in this world, not in any version of an Egyptian paradise." "The great gods of Egypt themselves were not exempt from the common lot. They too grew old and died. For like men they were composed of body and soul, and like men were subject to all the passions and infirmities of the flesh. Their bodies, it is true, were fashioned of more ethereal mold, and lasted longer than ours, but they could not hold out for ever against the siege of time. Age converted their bones into silver, their flesh into gold, and their azure locks into lapis-lazuli. When their time came, they passed away from the cheerful world of the living to reign as dead gods over dead men in the melancholy world beyond the grave. Even their souls, like those of mankind, could only endure after death so long as their bodies held together, and hence it was as needful to preserve the corpses of the gods as the corpses of common folk. lest with the divine body the divine spirit should also come to an untimely end. The high gods of Babylon also, though they appeared to their worshippers only in dreams and visions, were conceived to be human in their bodily shape, human in their passions, and human in their fate; for like men they were born into the world, and like men they loved and fought and died."
As scientists record energy pulses from space JOHN NAISH asks: Is ET trying to phone us... and if he is, shall we call him back? By John Naish for the Daily Mail Published:22:10, 14 January 2019 | Updated:00:10, 15 January 2019 Can radio signals sent by super-advanced alien civilisations zillions of miles away in space be heard on Earth? That's the tantalising possibility raised by a series of mysterious, ultra-short repeating radio energy bursts from deep space that were reported last week. In the respected journal Nature, astronomers revealed how their super-powerful new radio telescope detected 13 fast radio bursts (FRBs) — millisecond-long pulses of radio waves — originating from outside our galaxy. These might easily be dismissed as the products of random blasts of energy from far-off astronomical phenomena, such as black holes or stars colliding. But one factor suggests otherwise. The signal was repeating itself — so it doesn't appear to have been created at random. So, could it instead, the Canadian astronomers wondered, be the work of an alien civilisation producing super-powerful radio signals? The first radio burst heard by Man was in 2007. Since then, at least 60 others have been detected. But only one, before this new one last summer, had been heard repeating, which was in 2017. Excitingly for those looking for evidence of life elsewhere in the galaxy, the radio-telescope scientists at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (Chime), in British Columbia, report that the signal they heard bore striking similarities to that first repeating one in 2017. Is, therefore, someone out there trying to tell us something? The majority of respected scientists dismiss the possibility. But a brave few, such as professor Avi Loeb, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, are prepared to face mockery by suggesting that these really may be transmissions from a far-off civilisation. They are in good company. For Stephen Hawking set up a project for astronomers hunting for signs of intelligent alien life in the universe and they recorded 15 radio signals coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away. Loeb and his Harvard colleague, the astrophysicist Manasvi Lingam, have written a scientific paper proposing that FRBs could be coming from alien transmitters. Loeb argues that the repeating signals are likely to be alien technology, because natural ones would mostly produce only a single burst. He says that the signals could be the echoing residue of powerful and targeted energy beams, used by aliens to propel spacecraft from their home planet. Such spaceships would be powered by giant 'space sails' that bounce radio-beam energy off a huge reflective sheet to provide thrust, he says in his scientific paper in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. To do this, these aliens would have to be massively advanced in terms of engineering capability. His calculations show that only a generator the size of a planet would be able to produce sufficient energy to power the repeating beam, and propel a spacecraft at astonishing speeds. These radio waves might easily be dismissed as the products of random blasts of energy from far-off astronomical phenomena, such as black holes or stars colliding (file photo) These radio waves might easily be dismissed as the products of random blasts of energy from far-off astronomical phenomena, such as black holes or stars colliding (file photo) Other scientists have been enthused by such claims. Experts at the Nasa-linked SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute, hope that among these radio bursts are messages from alien civilisations. Possibly one was a mysterious radio transmission detected in 1977, coming from the direction of the Sagittarius constellation. It was picked up by Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope. The transmission lasted 72 seconds. It was both loud and tightly focused — the hallmarks of an artificially produced radio signal. Its energy level was 30 times more powerful than anything scientists were expecting to emanate from space. In fact, so remarkable that Jerry Ehman, the astronomer monitoring the telescope's findings, wrote 'Wow!' next to the data on a computer print-out. Forty years on, the 'Wow! Signal' remains an enigma. Scientists have never detected a repeat transmission from the same spot in the sky. Nor have they been able to explain it away. But if aliens really are transmitting communications towards us, why do we receive only these teasing short signals? Are possible other life forms just taunting us? The Canadian scientists have a more rational answer. They believe that humans are able to pick up only a tiny fraction of these mystery transmissions. Indeed, many more radio bursts are sent, but they travel past our planet and are at such low frequencies that they escape our notice. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 With future technological advances, though, we might be able to hear more of them. Indeed, the newest repeater radio burst was recorded at an unusually low radio frequency. To try to make more sense of all this, the SETI Institute is using mega artificial-intelligence systems — employing new algorithms (computerised systems of calculation) — to scan signals for any fragments of intelligent communication that we may have missed. The system is in its infancy, but SETI's Bill Diamond says: 'Our results hint there could be vast numbers of additional signals that our algorithms are missing.' While many of us might dismiss all this as hokum, and wonder if it isn't a little eccentric to sit at a radio telescope expecting to hear an alien tweet, scientists are in search for signs of intelligent life. Their efforts date back decades. The Drake Equation — posited by American astronomer Frank Drake in 1961 — is a formula for estimating the number of extra-terrestrial civilisations that could exist within our galaxy. It shows that, even by the most conservative estimates, our galaxy is likely to host at least a few advanced intelligent races at any given time. This means that some form of alien life is probably out there, pinging us tell-tale signals. A decade after the Drake Equation, Nasa officially launched its SETI programme. It is still searching. Its team has dedicated $10 million to refining the search more intelligently. The latest search buzzword is 'technosignatures' — giveaway signs of technologically advanced alien activity. And radio signals are the best-known example. But radio signals aside, are we missing other inter-galactic signs, such as ultra-powerful laser emissions — possibly being beamed by aliens for optical communications or as a means of spaceship propulsion? Alternatively, might we be better off searching for evidence of pollution and climate change, such as an atmosphere somewhere else in the galaxy that's full of carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, and other known pollutants? But Canadian astronomers have wondered whether the radio waves could be the work of an alien civilisation producing super-powerful radio signals (file photo) But Canadian astronomers have wondered whether the radio waves could be the work of an alien civilisation producing super-powerful radio signals (file photo) Who knows, the aliens might be messing up their own planet in a similar manner to us. Nasa-backed scientists also urge that we search the cosmos for evidence of 'mega-structures' — giant alien constructions in space that might betray their existence by dimming the light coming from distant stars. However, Professor Loeb and his team, who spotted last summer's radio bursts, believes that the most obvious sign of alien handiwork passed right under our cosmic noses — but we failed to make sense of it. It was a bizarre, asteroid-like object that passed through our solar system last October, and which was named Oumuamua. It moved so fast that it must have originated from some place beyond our solar system, making it the first known visitor from outer space. Artists' impressions depict it as a sausage-shaped, irregular rock. But Loeb says the evidence indicates that it was some kind of alien space sail. 'The more we found out about this object, the weirder it got,' he says. Oumuamua didn't move or have a tail like a comet. The astonishing speed at which it travelled suggested some kind of propulsion. Indeed, it accelerated as it travelled through our solar system. What's more, the way it reflected light indicated that it was neither spherical nor cylindrical, but some strangely manufactured shape. Loeb calculates that it sped away from our solar system by harnessing the Sun's energy. He says: 'As there is no natural explanation for Oumuamua, we are left with the possibility that it is an artificial product — a light sail made by intelligent beings.' Of course, all this may seem outlandish. But Loeb maintains that it's a scientist's duty to think outlandish thoughts. 'Science isn't a matter of belief — it's a matter of evidence. It's worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge.' Who knows, out in space there might be a highly frustrated race of aliens. Perhaps they keep sending us all these messages. So why on Earth don't we take ET's example and call them back?
STARSEEKERS Page 63 6+3 = 9 "There is a simple trick involving numbers that can be guaran-teed to produce astonishment at any party. You ask someone to write down his telephone number, then to write it a second time with the figures jumbled up. Next, tell him to subtract the smaller from the larger number, and keep on adding up the figures in the answer until he has reduced it to one figure. (5019 becomes 10, which in turn becomes 1 plus 0 - that is, 1.) When he has finished, you may tell him authoritatively: 'The answer is nine.' You can afford to be dogmatic; for the answer is always nine. It works with any set of figures, no matter how small or how large. Jumble up the figures, subtract one from the other, and the answer always reduces to 9. I have no idea why this is so, and have never come across a mathematician who could explain it. It is just one of those peculiar properties of numbers." "You ask someone to write down his telephone number, then to write it a second time with the figures jumbled up. Next, tell him to subtract the smaller from the larger number, and keep on adding up the figures in the answer until he has reduced it to one figure. (5019 becomes 10, which in turn becomes 1 plus 0 - that is, 1.) When he has finished, you may tell him authoritatively: 'The answer is nine.'
-----Original Message----- Dave Manyt hanks for you e-mail of the 28th. Forgive me for not getting back earlier I have been very busy. Your 99 piece was interesting, especially the telephone number enigma which I solved over Christmas and which now follows. I tried to send it earlier but the format keeps getting lost. Given that youve sent another e-mail I thought I'd better reply to the first. I won't open your latest because it has an attachment. herewith the answer to the telephone enigma: The Telephone Number Enigma There is an old curious enigma concerning the magical properties of the number 9 which no-one appears to be able to explain (as far as I know), at least not until now. The enigma is this; Write down any telephone number. Jumble up the order of the digits. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Add together the digits in the answer, and the result will always equal 9. For example, take the telephone number 12345 Jumble-up the digits; The answer to any enigma can be found more easily by studying the exception, rather than the rule. In order to solve the enigma we must first look for an exception (if any exists). Example: At first, this example appears to be an exception, the result amounts to 0 and not 9. However, the example is not a true exception to the ‘sum to 9’ algorithm because it breaks both of the rules of the game – it can be argued that the digits have not been jumbled up and, moreover, that the smaller number has not been subtracted from the larger [because both numbers are of the same hierarchical value, neither is smaller or larger than the other]. This exercise informs us that for the game to prove true, in all cases, the rules of the game ‘must be strictly adhered to’. Which, in turn, means that the rules are essential factors in the determining the ‘sum to 9’ outcome. This may seem obvious, but it need not be. GAME RULE 1: The rules of the game must be adhered to. The Mechanics of the Base-10 numbering system The number 9 is one of 10 numbers we use in our base-10 numbering system. Our base-10 system orders the accumulation of numbers into columns from left to right, where the column furthest to the right represents the digits that lie from 0-9. Greater accumulations of numbers call for the introduction of another, new, column to the left of the 0-9 column. When this happens, for example when the digits rise in the units column to the limit of 9, a new ‘tens’ column needs to be created to the left. The tens column now indicates 1 and the units column 0 resulting in a the ‘decimal’ number of 10. Again, when the number of tens exceed 9 another new column needs to be introduced to cope with the larger number and the new column is called the ‘hundreds’ column [for example 100 = 1 in the hundreds column, none in the tens column and none in the digits column]. The opposite applies to reducing numbers that arise due to subtraction. In this case columns reduce in number from the left. Decimal (Base-10) Rule 1: Greater accumulations of numbers call for the introduction of another, new, column to the left of the 0-9 column and reducing numbers result in the loss of columns from the left. Hence; because there are only nine numbers (and a zero) no number greater than 9 can subsist without the introduction of a new column to the left to accommodate the larger number and no number less than 100 can subsist without the removal of one column from the left. Multiples of the number 9 will always compound to 9; 1x9 = 9 This results because of the use of base 10 as a numbering system; 10-1 = 9 and, considering twice the number: In each case, any quantity of the number 9 must always compound to 9 more examples; 30-3 = 27, which must equal 9 + 9 + 9 = 27, 2+7 = 9 Consider an example of a ‘telephone number 10000; Example: Telephone number 10000 Example: Telephone number 10000 Example: Telephone number10000 Decimal (Base-ten) Rule 2: Any quantity of the number 9 must always compound to 9. The effect of ‘subtracting the smaller number from the resulting larger number’: Using a simple example of a ‘telephone number’ of 10; Telephone number 10 Telephone number 11 - digits cannot be jumbled, hence the number 11 cannot conform with the rules of the game [as was the case with the earlier ostensible exception of 77777]. Telephone number 12 21 GAME RULE 2: Digits of the original number must be jumbled. The effect of the base-10 system when subtracting a smaller number from a larger number Examples; Telephone number 13 i.e. 31 When the units column increases by 1 its corollary increases by 10. Because of the rule requiring the smaller number to be subtracted from the larger the net increase in numbers must always be 10-1 = 9. Decimal (Base-10) Rule 4: Each time the telephone number increases by 1 its corollary increases by a factor of 10. Hence, subtraction of the smaller number from the larger number results in a product with a difference of 10-1 = 9. More examples; Telephone number 14 41 Telephone number 15 51 Telephone number 16 61 Telephone number 17 71 Telephone number 18 81 Telephone number 19 91 Telephone number 20
And so on. But why does this work for large ‘telephone-size’ numbers? Taking again the example of 10000 used earlier; 10000 Subtracting smaller from larger Increase by 1 again; 10002 Subtracting smaller form larger; 20001 Bringing the rules of the game together; GAME RULE 1: The rules of the game must be adhered to. GAME RULE 2: Digits of the original number must be jumbled. GAME RULE 3: Subtracting the smaller number from the larger number within the base-10 system produces a predictable outcome. together with the mechanics of the Base-10 system; Decimal (Base-10) Rule 1: Greater accumulations of numbers call for the introduction of another, new, column to the left of the 0-9 column and reducing numbers result in the loss of columns from the left. Hence; because there are only nine numbers (and a zero) no number greater than 9 can subsist without the introduction of a new column to the left to accommodate the larger number and no number less than 100 can subsist without the removal of one column from the left. Decimal Base-ten) Rule 2: Any quantity of the number 9 must always compound to 9. Decimal (Base-10 rule) 3: Subtracting the smaller number from the larger number within the base-10 system produces a predictable outcome. Decimal (Base-10) Rule 4: Each time the telephone number increases by 1 its corollary increases by a factor of 10. Hence, subtraction of the smaller number from the larger number results in a product with a difference of 10-1 = 9. Conclusion: It can be seen that increasing any integer (larger than 10) by 1, jumbling the digits and subtracting the smaller number from the larger number must result in a net difference of 9 between the two sets of numbers. Hence, because each telephone number is removed by at least 1 unit from its neighbour the outcome of the exercise must apply equally to all telephone numbers. Hence the outcome of the algorithm must always compound to 9. The result is determined by the rules of the game and the mechanics of the base-10 system. Best wishes = Maurice
CIRCLE = 50 5+0 = 5 = 5+0 50 CIRCLE 1234 5 6789 ONE TWO THREE FOUR = 208 = 2+0+8 = 10 1+0 = 1 FIVE THE FULCRUM OF THE BALANCES THE SPIRIT LEVEL OF THE LEVEL SPIRIT 1234 5 6789
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